English name: Black cumin seed oil
Definition: Fixed oil obtained from seeds by cold pressing
Latin name of the plant: Nigella sativa
The family of the plant: Ranunculaceae
Turkish name of the plant: Çörekotu
Color: Golden brown
Smell: Earthy, peppery, spicy, woody
Consistency: Medium
Effects, places of use and way of use
- Seed oil is immune system booster and antimicrobial.
- It is used in the form of 2-3 drops of fixed oil or soft capsules prepared from fixed oil in colds.
- It is used by dripping into the ear for earaches.
- It is used to reduce intestinal parasites.
- Contact dermatitis (contact dermatitis) may occur in external use.
- Before use, the oil should be applied to a small part of the skin and waited for an hour,
If no reaction occurs, it can be applied to the skin.
During the use of the oil, a change in hemoglobin metabolism and a lowering effect on leukocyte and thrombocyte levels can be observed.
- It should be kept out of reach of children.
Storage conditions
It should be stored in tightly closed non-plastic containers, in a cool environment protected from heat, light and moisture.