Chamomile Hydrosol
English name: Matricaira Chamomile hydrosol, chamomile hydrolat
Scientific name of the plant: Matricaira chamomile
Turkish name of the plant: Medicinal chamomile , German chamomile
Definition: Oily aromatic water remaining under the oil during the extraction of essential oil from flowers by water distillation.
Color: Colorless or pale yellow
Smell: Light floral
- It is used as a sedative to reduce mental distress such as sadness, tension, anxiety, and to relieve seasonal allergies, by spraying it into the room or by giving its vapor to the environment through a diffuser. It also helps to have a calm and peaceful sleep when sprayed on pillows and sheets.
- Due to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, it can be used as a gargle for wounds and infections in the mouth and throat area.
- It helps to heal blisters, rashes, itching and burns on the skin, as well as diseases such as eczema, psoriasis , varicose veins and hemorrhoids. For this purpose, a certain amount of hydrosol is applied to the relevant area by spraying it directly or by compressing it with cotton.
- It is used as a facial cleansing water and facial tonic. For this purpose, it is sprayed on the face or dropped onto a make-up cotton pad to clean the face.
- In cases of discomfort such as diaper rash (nappy rash), using it as a spray directly on the baby's most sensitive areas helps soothe and relax the baby.
- It relieves muscle spasms. It is applied by spraying or compressing.
- To relieve itchy and burning eyes, pour a few drops of hydrosol onto two cotton pads and place them on your eyelids while your eyes are closed. Let your eyes rest for a while.
- Due to its effects against bacteria and fungi, it can be applied as a shower or spray for urinary tract infections and genital area infections.
- It nourishes the hair roots and strengthens and moisturizes the hair. A small amount of hydrosol is applied to the hair roots by massaging with the fingertips. Wait for a while, then wash the hair with shampoo and rinse with plenty of water.
- To eliminate underarm sweat and foot odor, it is useful to use it as a spray or to wipe these areas with a cotton pad soaked in hydrosol.
- It is used in aromatherapy centers for body massage or by adding it to bath water.
Click to review our chamomile hydrolate product.
-People who are sensitive to plants of the Asteracea family should not use it.
- Allergic reactions (skin reactions or anaphylactic shock) may occur in sensitive individuals, depending on the amount of lactone carried by the essential oil dissolved in it.
-If it is being tried for the first time, a patch test should be done on the skin. In case of an allergic reaction, it should be applied to a small spot of the skin and waited for an hour. If no reaction occurs, it should be applied to the skin.
-It should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
-The minimum amount of hydrosol necessary to achieve the desired result should be used.
-Should be kept out of reach of children.
It should be stored in tightly closed, non-plastic containers, in cool places (preferably the refrigerator), protected from light and moisture.