Aromatherapy Before Endoscopy
The part where all digestive organs of our body from mouth to anus are examined,
It is called gastrointestinal system surgery and the disorders of these organs are examined.
Timely and accurate diagnosis of gastrointestinal disorders is vital. For this
endoscopic diagnostic methods and ultrasound are frequently used. Sub-section of gastrointestinal surgery
One of its departments is upper gastrointestinal surgery and is connected to the esophagus and stomach.
examines ailments. Diseases such as esophagus and stomach tumors, reflux, stomach ulcers
can be given as an example in this field. The main diagnostic tool used in this type of disorders is still upper
gastrointestinal endoscopy. Endoscopy is simply an endoscope with a small camera at the end.
It is the examination of the relevant organs by lowering a device called the mouth down. 2019
According to data, one percent of the world's population undergoes endoscopy every year.
Endoscopy can cause a number of feelings in patients, such as anxiety, discomfort, and insecurity.
The main reason for this is that the patient will suffer or even suffocate.
misconception that the endoscope will infect itself with other infections
their beliefs. This anxiety experienced by the patients who will undergo endoscopy is needed to be managed correctly.
divided into four groups. These include sensory disturbances such as pain; unsuitable, such as a cancer diagnosis
fear of consequences; inefficiency, such as insufficient knowledge about treatment and doctor
other reasons, such as fear. A healthy treatment of the high anxiety level diagnostic procedure
may interfere with its operation. For this reason, the anxiety and anxiety experienced by the patients before entering the endoscopy.
Relieving fear is very important. Health protection and anxiety management in patients
is the responsibility of nurses. holistic nursing care in more than 30 countries
Complementary treatments are also included. The most important reason for this is anxiety and fear.
It is the risk of side effects when the elimination is done by pharmacological methods. Additional
The use of these drugs both increases the cost of treatment and prolongs the process.
and requires more staff.
Aromatherapy is one of the most commonly used complementary therapies in anxiety management.
The essence of aromatherapy is aromatic therapy to support general health and relieve various ailments.
based on the use of plants. Essential oils obtained from aromatic plants through fragrance
or by being absorbed by the skin, it affects people through massage. Commonly used in aromatherapy
One of the essential oils is Rosa damascena, also known as Damascus rose, from the rose family. laugh damascus
phenol compounds in it; such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory), antidepressant
It has many activities. Damascus rose aromatherapy in Rasht, Iran since 2019
A study examining the effects of endoscopy on the anxiety levels of patients
carried out. The rose oil used in the research was harvested from Kashan farms in Iran.
obtained by extracting roses by hydro-distillation. Concern for this research
Patients who will undergo endoscopy with high levels were included as participants and were randomly assigned to 2 groups.
Left. While one group receives the designated aromatherapy sessions (intervention group), the other group
did not receive aromatherapy (placebo group) and the data obtained were compared. 35 patients in each group
and all participants were unaware of which group they were in. Getting to know patients and
Various questionnaires were filled in to assess their anxiety. Later intervention group
1 hour before the endoscopy procedure, 2 drops of 10% damask rose oil are dripped onto a cotton ball.
They participated in a 30-minute aromatherapy session, which was carried out by hanging the patients on their collars.
It is similar to rose oil in appearance and color, but does not have aromatic effects.
another oil was determined as placebo oil and the same procedures were applied to the other group. Both
The rooms in which the patients in the group were located were located in the endoscopy service and the size, light,
were the same in terms of temperature, humidity and ventilation. In addition, endoscopy will be performed.
patients included both inpatients and outpatients. Participants
only standing up to work so that their physical and emotional condition is as uniform as possible.
treated patients participated. Thus, all parameters other than the oil used are the same.
has been achieved. Anxiety levels of patients after aromatherapy sessions
inferential (paired) by using various tests to evaluate and compare
t-test, independent t-test, Chi-square and covariance test) were analyzed. Your analysis
The results showed a significant effect on the anxiety levels of the patients who participated in aromatherapy with damask rose.
showed a significant decrease. This finding shows the effect of damask rose on anxiety.
supported the results of many other studies that examined These studies
hemodialysis patients (Dehkordi et al.), angiography patients (Tazakori et al.), and new
anxiety experienced in different ecosystems such as women who have given birth (Barati et al.)
The use of aromatherapy, especially in critical situations such as anxiety management, is the use of chemical drugs.
prevent unwanted complications. Increasingly, in holistic nursing care
The use of aromatherapy, one of the frequently used complementary treatment methods,
It is based on scientific research and the repetition of these researches for different scenarios.
Damask Rose Aromatherapy and the Anxiety of Endoscopic Candidate Patients: A Clinical
Trial, Journal of Holistic Nursing and Midwifery, 2019