Occupational Stress and Aromatherapy Massage in Hospital Environment
One of the foundations of life is undoubtedly the profession. Responsibilities of the job and working environment
It can affect a person's life in different ways. For example, a high-stress
It can even affect a person's physiology in the work environment. Nursing is one of these professions.
Nurses' occupational stress stems from the hospital environment. Stress with certain strategies
management factor is increasingly used to contribute to the quality of life of nurses.
becomes important.
The World Health Organization's use of integrative and complementary practices in health
The use of these applications on a global scale is becoming widespread. Complement
therapeutic approaches help nurses and other professional groups cope with occupational stress.
acts as an intermediary. One of these complementary treatment approaches is aromatherapy.
Aromatherapy has also become a part of the care that nurses give to patients.
Aromatherapy is the inhalation (inhalation) or topical (massage) of essential oils.
It is based on supporting physical and mental health. connected to aromatherapy
The therapeutic results are due to the chemical components of the essential oils used. It
chemical components stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, sympathetic nervous system activity
reduces, affects the limbic system and triggers the release of neurotransmitters.
An increase in blood pressure and heart rate variability occurs in a person exposed to stress
Therefore, the stress level of a person is determined by such biophysiological parameters and various scales.
can be determined. A study conducted in Brazil in 2018 found that aromatherapy
by evaluating the effect of biophysiological and psychological data on occupational stress.
examined. The research was carried out in a hospital in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. It
The hospital had 13 operating rooms and approximately 8600 surgeries were performed annually.
Nurses working at the hospital for at least one year were included in this study. aromatherapy,
The participants were treated with lavender and geranium oils for a total of 6 sessions, each lasting 10-15 minutes.
It consisted of a prepared massage procedure. 42 between sessions for each participant
There were hourly breaks. Massage practice, nurses with previous aromatherapy training
It was done by. To evaluate the effectiveness of applied massage aromatherapy.
Blood pressure and heart rate measurements were taken before and after each session. In addition to the first session
using various scales (WSS and LSS) before the beginning and after the sixth session
psychological stress burden was evaluated. WSS, 'work stress scale',
It is a tool that deals with psychological reactions and psychosocial behaviors. LSS aka "stress"
“list of symptoms of stress” by assessing which stressors the person is exposed to.
It is a tool that evaluates the level of psychology at the psychological level. All data collected at the end of the study
analyzed by software.
The results are a significant reduction in biophysiological parameters such as blood pressure and heart rate.
it was showing. In other words, aromatherapy massage reduces the stress levels of nurses.
had been effective. However, there was no significant difference in psychological scales. person's stress
Despite the decrease in the level of
due to its limiting effects. Among the limitations of this study, the participants
not to compare these data by separating them into two groups as those who receive aromatherapy and those who do not,
unbalanced gender ratio among participants,
Factors such as low concentrations of blood compared to other studies in the literature
countable. To be able to interpret the results of a scientific research correctly and to cooperate with other studies.
to compare studies with similar results due to limiting factors.
is as valuable as any other. Because when the expected result is not achieved, the next
studies are done by removing these limiting factors. Thus, science develops itself over time.
The foundations of aromatherapy are also based on science, so the right oil selection and concentration
The results obtained with the right sample accumulate and reach the point where the efficiency is highest.
For example, a study published in May 2021 suggests lavender massage in intensive care.
showed that nurses improved sleep quality. Another example is in February 2021
The work stress of nurses in a study published in
proved to be effective on
Effectiveness of aromatherapy massage on the stress of the surgical center nursing team: a
pilot study, 2018
Effects of aromatherapy with essential oil massage on the sleep quality of critical care
nurses: A randomized controlled trial, 2021
Effect of Aromatherapy with Rosa Damascena Essential Oil on Nurses' Occupational Stress in
the Emergency Department: A Randomized Controlled Trial, 2021