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Hemşirelikte Aromaterapi Ve Klinik Araştırmalar


To date, many of the proven clinical effects of aromatherapy and how this pathway has been followed.
We discussed it in our blog post. Many times aromatherapy is used in nursing practice of some countries.
We mentioned that it has become a legal part of their applications. protocols on this
Since the country dating back to the past is America, today aromatherapy has become a nursing practice over America.
We will discuss its applications.
If we look at the definitions of the sources accepted all over the world, the Oxford Dictionary of
English (revised 2nd edition) describes aromatherapy as "the healing and healing properties of aromatic plant extracts and essential oils".
defines it as 'use for cosmetic purposes'. Cochrane Collaboration reviewers
(Thorgrimsen et al., 2003) aromatherapy "pure essential oils from fragrant herbs"
defines it as ''use of
helps to improve the quality of it''. International Professional Aromatherapists
Federation (IFPA) defines aromatherapy as 'treating diseases and promoting health'.
volatile aromatic plant extracts known as essential oils to help preserve
is the use of''.
It may not be known exactly what the aromatherapy applications cover and it is reliable.
Although massage is not mentioned in any of the sources, aromatherapy is different from massage.
is assumed to be. The variety of diseases and treatments in an average hospital is quite high.
is too much. However, this misconception about aromatherapy practices is only for relaxation.
that massage can be included in treatments that require Whereas aromatherapy
It has been demonstrated by clinical studies that inhalation of inhalation supports the treatment of many diseases.
has been set.
Despite all this, massage is the least preferred by nurses due to time constraints.
While it should be the method used, statistics show that nurses mostly use aromatherapy in massage.
that he is using. Is it because of the preference of the nurses or the aromatherapy training?
It is debatable whether the governing organizations emphasize massage. Back to the past for the answer to this question
If we go, we see a figure who was very important to the rebirth of aromatherapy in the 1950s.
exits: Marguerite Maury. Although Maury works as a nurse, she still uses aromatherapy.
She mainly taught beauty therapists when she brought it to England from France. It
Therefore, aromatherapy has "grown up" in the beauty industry. Therefore, aromatherapy
in essence, it has become associated with massage and is known as such by the majority until today.
it is said.
To overcome these misconceptions and learn how aromatherapy can be applied to various symptoms.
To demonstrate this, a study was organized in the United States with the participation of eleven different hospitals. (It
You can see hospitals in the resources section.) All nurses participating in this research
Approved by the American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA) in clinical aromatherapy
had completed a certification course. Diseases to which aromatherapy treatment will be applied
divided into groups (wounds, nausea, dementia, phlebotomy, and end-of-life agitation) and nurses
clinical studies were carried out. The results were as follows:
It was studied with end-stage kidney patients and diabetic patients with multiple wounds. It
Standard (conventional) treatment in patients is the treatment of either infection or pressure zone sores.
it had failed to control its growing violence. Before the start of aromatherapy and
Then, standard wound photographs were taken and these photographs were evaluated independently. Wound
clinical nurses specialized in the care of tea, diluted in a certain ratio in aloe vera gel
He used the tree oil directly on the wounds. At the end of one month, the wounds are treated by the responsible physician.
evaluated by The tea tree mixture was very effective in reducing the size of the scars.
Nausea and vomiting after surgery/anesthesia is a difficult and stressful process for most patients.
Grape seed was given to 100 patients by an anesthesiologist just before going into surgery.
Ginger essential oil diluted in a certain amount of oil was applied topically (under the nose).
The prepared solution was also applied to the pulse points of both wrists and
Ask the patient to sniff their wrists in case of nausea upon awakening from anesthesia.
was encouraged. The study found that 80% of patients had nausea/vomiting after surgery.
showed that he did not exist. This rate was so encouraging that patients are no longer in this hospital.
Aromatherapy is recommended before surgery. (Banner Desert Medical Center, Mesa, Arizona)
agitation in dementia
''Dementia is not a single disease name, it is associated with impairment of memory and similar mental abilities.
It is the general name given to all diseases. All of these diseases have some
causes changes and reveals specific findings of diseases. Alzheimer's disease
It accounts for more than 60% of all dementias.” Agitation is when the person is aggressive and restless.
their attitudes. In the study, this attitude, which is frequently seen in patients with dementia, was compared with a visual analogue.
scaled. Aromatherapy with lavender essential oil at certain times of the day for a week
sessions were held and the whole process was followed by the same caregivers. Agitation, aggressive and restless
A significant decrease in physical activity was observed.
phlebotomy into the bloodstream for the treatment of diseases such as heart failure or pulmonary edema
It is a procedure applied to remove excess blood, which is a burden. Vascular accessibility is
It is very important in practice and can be difficult for both employees and patients from time to time.
Black pepper essential oil diluted in sweet almond oil was given to patients before blood collection.
used. This treatment was applied three times by increasing the dosage. The first to apply the least amount
visible or palpable (medical term for palpation) vein
did not have. In the second, the veins were visible but not palpable. The highest amount
In the third application, the veins were visible and palpable. aromatherapy,
It provided convenience to patients by increasing vascular accessibility in the applied areas and
reduced the workload of experts.
These studies and much more have been done, even the methods used in many hospitals.
continued to be implemented. These results are much better than the relaxation massage of aromatherapy.
It shows that it is comprehensive. Essential oils are not just for stress but for many clinical symptoms.
it is effective. America, unsurprisingly, includes aromatherapy in all states.
accepts its procedures as a legal part of it. But the aim of this study is to
to reflect on its complements. The author of the study published his publication on aromatherapy to nurses.
He concludes his education by suggesting that they reevaluate. The title is much more than this advice.
striking: Should nursing take aromatherapy more seriously?

Literature review: should nursing take aromatherapy more seriously?, British Journal of
Nursing (dementia definition) is (phlebotomy definition)
Hospitals participating in the study:
• Obici Hospital, Suffolk, Virginia
• St Clare's Hospital, Baraboo,Wisconsin
• Valley Hospital, Ridgewood, New Jersey
• Heather Hill Hospital, Chardon, Ohio
• Banner Desert Medical Center, Mesa, Arizona
• Aurora Medical Center, Milwaukee,Wisconsin
• Harris Methodist Medical Center, Fort Worth,Texas
• Beth Israel Medical Center, New York, New York
• Scranton Medical Center, Scranton, Pennsylvania
• Mont Marie Health Center, Holyoke, Massachusetts
• Ridgewood Healthcare Facility, Cromwell, Connecticut.

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